Development of Natural Therapeutics against Diabetis Mellitus and its comorbidities
Diabetes mellitus and its comorbidities (DM) are contributing significantly to the overall disease burden particularly among the adult population globally (Tino et al., 2020). Unfortunately, the available therapies are unaffordable with incomplete efficacy and sometimes severe adverse drug reactions (Obakiro et al., 2021). Consequently, the DM patients seek other alternative and complementary therapies of which herbal remedies are the most widely used (WHO, 2019).
However, the efficacy, safety and chemical purity of the herbal products has not been scientifically validated. This aim of this project is to develop scientifically validated and standardized antidiabetic phytomedicines from identified priority Ugandan medicinal plants. This project is executed in collaboration with the Directorate of Government Analytical laboratories and Makerere University COVAB Animal facility.